All household Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) from Norfolk’s Household Waste Recycling Centres is recycled locally with Wiser Recycling. Norfolk Environmental Waste Services (NEWS) has been managing the 19 Norfolk County Council HWRCs since April 2014 when the company started working with Wiser Recycling.
We collect and treat the household WEEE from the sites at our Norfolk based facility in Hockwold. Furthermore, Norfolk County Council introduced Wiser to the Norfolk based Crack On Foundation to whom we provide electrical and electronic equipment that is suitable for reuse. Crack On sells the items to help fund its work supporting Norfolk’s under 25s. This approach retains the valuable materials within Norfolk, reduces transportation costs and emissions and has generated at least eleven new jobs for local residents.
Dave Newell, Operations Director, NEWS says: “NEWS is committed to promoting sustainable development and recycling on behalf of Norfolk County Council so we are very pleased to be using local business Wiser Recycling to retain Norfolk’s materials and jobs in Norfolk whilst helping to increase WEEE recycling and reuse rates at the HWRCs.”