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Wiser Recycling provides comprehensive reuse, recycling and disposal services for televisions.

We can provide storage containers and collection services for TVs.  Alternatively, we can take delivery of these at our sites.

Where televisions are reusable, we will separate these and fully test for function and safety before they are sold directly or through our charity and social enterprise partners.  Where televisions are unsuitable for reuse, we will de-manufacture them to recover the component parts.

A television being dismantled for recycling at Wiser Recycling Thetford facility for waste electrical and electronic equipment

Our treatment processes include a hot band Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) recycling plant that enables us to recycle traditional TV screens as well as computer monitors.   Lead glass (funnel glass) is sent for further processing and both the funnel and panel glass are recycled.

Modern plasma and LCD television screens are dismantled with screens and component parts sent for reuse.  The cold-cathode fluorescent tubes (CCFLs) used in backlighting go through our lamp recycling process.