Premier Workplace Services

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Premier Workplace Services provides moves and change services to businesses including office and IT relocation, churn and support, interior refurbishment and sustainable office furniture and equipment solutions. As part of these services the company helps businesses meet their legal and environmental commitments when disposing of redundant waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) particularly IT hardware.

Wiser Recycling has worked with Premier Workplace Services providing WEEE collection and disposal services for some of its high profile private and public sector clients. We have collected over 70 tonnes of office WEEE including computer monitors, telecommunications equipment and fridges since 2012.

IT and telecommunications equipment is securely destroyed to ensure data protection, component parts and other materials are then recycled. Sharing Premier Workplace Services’ approach to sustainability Wiser Recycling separates reusable items (that aren’t required to be destroyed) which are then tested and repaired before being sold on in the UK.

Ann Beavis, Head of Sustainability, Premier Workplace Services says: “We like Wiser Recycling’s ethos and approach and are always keen to work with likeminded businesses that clearly prioritise according to the waste hierarchy and have a strong reuse ethic”.

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