Recolight lighting compliance scheme

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Wiser collects fluorescent tubes and other lamps from Recolight’s clients including electrical wholesalers and major retailers UK wide.

Recolight runs the UK’s leading specialist compliance scheme for the lighting industry, taking responsibility for its members’ waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) according to the WEEE Regulations.

The fluorescent tubes and other lamps that Wiser Recycling collects are taken for further processing through the lamp recycling plant at our Norfolk Approved Authorised Treatment Facility. The component materials including glass, metals and phosphor are separated and recovered.  Find out more about our lamp recycling process.

Neil Mclean, Operations and Compliance Manager, Recolight says: “Recolight have worked with Wiser for over five years. Our tenders for selecting recyclers include many technical and performance requirements. But in addition to compliance with our selection criteria, we have been particularly pleased by Wiser’s responsiveness and ability to adapt to the changing needs of our customers.”

Find out more about our fluorescent tube disposal services.