Chancellor, Philip Hammond, had a busy budget week earlier this month making a number of pronouncements around waste policy:

  • Packaging targets will be set at the highest rate outlined in the recent consultation, varying options were set out in the consultation document but Government has opted for the highest option of 75.4% by 2020 up from the current rate of 65%.
  • There will be a consultation around the imposition of landfill tax on illegal disposal of waste starting 20th March 2017 in an effort to challenge the waste crime that is having an increasing impact on local authorities and other land owners.
  • The Landfill Communities Fund will remain at £39.3million and the operator contributions cap will be raised to 5.3%, the fund allows landfill owners to pay a proportion of their landfill tax liability to community and environmental organisations.
  • Landfill tax rates from 1st April 2018 will be set at £88.95 per tonne for standard rate and £2.80 per tonne for lower rate material, the current rate is £84.40 and £2.65 respectively.

If you are concerned about the effects of the recent pronouncements on your business, please contact our sister company Wiser Environment on 01480 462 232.